College sports... without the power-hungry mods!
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"I've eat em off a stick."
"I never did that."
Damn, I miss those road trips.
RIP road trips.
Used to give a sh*t Eagle wrote:Ace Barker.... Inquiring minds want to know if you will be there? And also, bad things happen down in darky town, yet here we go having a party there.
I'm curious: how far South do you have to go before darky-town starts in Atlanta in your estimation? Is it pretty much anything past Roswell?
It was just a quote from Corndog Man, which is where Ace Barker the character is from.
Ace Barker.... Inquiring minds want to know if you will be there? And also, bad things happen down in darky town, yet here we go having a party there.
Ugh. Would not trade job security for dis.
here's the 'babe in ze woods'....
I don't like you, but you are funny as shit. Enjoy that thought while you're whacking it to your Leif Garrett poster later.
southern miss slacker wrote:They'll give you a whopping 5% off your growl refill on Sunday.
Take any Southern ticket stub with Eagle Club Card to O' Charleys on Tuesday from 3-5 and you can watch someone else eat for free.
Well, the Falcons blew it. No surprise for the worst sports town in America.
Been here 25 years and I've seen one championship. Two, if I count the Forsyth County all-star tourney in 2012.
I'm glad I USED to give a sh*t.
Go back to whacking off to dreams of being invited to tailgate in the Grove. In reality, you make extra cash by getting peed on for a $1 behind O'Charley's. You keyboard Queen. Your t-shirt says "I got skull humped by Freddie Mercury".
AndreWhere wrote:Nobody else in this conference would have brought half as many people to Shreveport as USM did.
Crank up the tee shirt machine
Ca Caw 20
Jimbo Knows 17
You had me at "Eagles". Just put Eagles on the helmet and kick the other teams' ass while wearing black and gold. Give me the Eric, Deric, and DeQuincy Scott's of the world that appreciate eating as much fried chicken as can be served, and give them a good game plan, and watch them kick the shit out of people. They will go home and make a bunch of Eagle fans with, as Pinhead put it, their big fat Eagle d*cks.
I miss the 90's real bad.
Have to admit, I have no idea what the heck is going on. All I know is I'm on Ace Barker's side. He's a mean sum bitch. I've seen him eat four pot brownies and try to crack open a dude by using a folding chair across his triple skull.
Lanny's board was not the original that I was referencing... but thanks for showing up, Chief. Congrats to you as well, apparently you can read but not comprehend. Fuck you. Fucking Rebel dickhead.
Used to give a sh*t Eagle wrote:I've been reading since the days of Lanny's board.
Congratulations .. Most of us have since we were five or six.
I've been reading/posting since the days of the original, so long ago that I barely remember the Bush brothers names. I gave up on Lanny's board, and never could sign in on the GT guys board. I'm here now, and am willing to be nice to everyone but BDR. He's an ass.
Finally, an answer to "How did Louisville do this? How did it go from Southern Miss regularly competing against them to what they are now?"
F. Chris Gorman, a former Kentucky attorney general, says: "I think that the tragedy here is this is probably the only community that uses public money to fund a Division I athletic program. That's what led to all this corruption: They had all this money -- money from the foundation, money from the arena, money from the students. You add all that up, and then they have a budget to compete with the Ohio States of the world. But they haven't done it in an honest way. They've done it by fleecing the taxpayers and by taking money from the foundation, men and women that worked all their lives and thought they were giving money to education."
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