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#1 2020-06-05 21:52:15 - Hornets

EagleFWB (176)
Registered: 2017-12-05
Posts: 427




#2 2020-06-06 10:23:13 - Hornets

Mao Tse-gore (412)
Registered: 2017-08-29
Posts: 961

Re: Hornets

Brace for the next scam, and remember D-Day, which was not.
25d24e80b762a5a746011efd4eabe9aa9be56dcf3f9efe4b5ee2f92f4c27ace9.jpg?auto=format … 2020-06-06

We still suck bigtime.
There's a big difference between optimism and an altered state of reality.
Not another dime, not another mile, not another minute.


#3 2020-06-06 10:50:37 - Hornets

AndreWhere (1272)
From: Decatur, GA
Registered: 2017-08-24
Posts: 8,746

Re: Hornets

Next scam is a giant corporate-enforced tax on the Anglo-Saxon tribe.

I should say "tax increase," since most of us are paying disproportionately already.

Bring back Reed V. "Pie" TurkPalmer Eustachy.


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#4 2020-06-06 11:10:28 - Hornets

stinkfist (764)
Registered: 2017-08-29
Posts: 3,533

Re: Hornets

AndreWhere wrote:

Next scam is a giant corporate-enforced tax on the Anglo-Saxon tribe.

I should say "tax increase," since most of us are paying disproportionately already.

lol @allthatpayincometax

oh yeah, yellow jackets suck balls, too...



#5 2020-06-06 11:45:15 - Hornets

AndreWhere (1272)
From: Decatur, GA
Registered: 2017-08-24
Posts: 8,746

Re: Hornets

Nothing wrong with minimizing income tax, but the stuff Zuckercuck et al. have cooking is going to be hard to dodge. It'll be Affirmative Action on steroids.

Big corporations are already rolling out tiered pricing based on race. White access to elite universities (already constrained) will vanish entirely.

Corporate boards are another big target. Expect any large corporation you can name to increasingly be overseen by militants and sexual deviants.

I've long said that it would take some heavy metal therapy to make this country right, but it wouldn't happen for at least a hundred years. Not sure about that second part anymore.

Bring back Reed V. "Pie" TurkPalmer Eustachy.


#6 2020-06-06 13:09:32 - Hornets

Nugget's Ghostbuster (1627)
From: U.S. Department of Interior
Registered: 2017-08-25
Posts: 5,767

Re: Hornets

The effort to wreck this economy, administration and country is real outside of COVID. Highest point in DOW Jones history was first week in February hitting 29,500. Then it drops 5 weeks later to 18,500. Yesterday it finished over 27,000. Prior to yesterday’s jobs report the DOW asked the leading economists where unemployment was going to come in at yesterday. They all said close to 20 million. Instead, we actually added 2.5 million jobs and unemployment was at 13.5% which leads to the end of the briefest recession in history. The leading economists in this country want you to believe doom and gloom and don’t care what impact it has because they have an agenda.

"There was a great deal of character on that field today. They are for real, no doubt about it. This was no fluke." - Coach Paul "Bear" Bryant


#7 2020-06-06 13:35:03 - Hornets

Lloydlake (139)
Registered: 2017-08-25
Posts: 274

Re: Hornets

All of the above - TRUE
If a bunch of dumb-ass back woods hicks like us can see thru all this BS, the rest of the country should be able to also.
Red wave coming in November.


#8 2020-06-07 09:54:04 - Hornets

Mao Tse-gore (412)
Registered: 2017-08-29
Posts: 961

Re: Hornets


We still suck bigtime.
There's a big difference between optimism and an altered state of reality.
Not another dime, not another mile, not another minute.


#9 2020-06-07 10:30:18 - Hornets

AndreWhere (1272)
From: Decatur, GA
Registered: 2017-08-24
Posts: 8,746

Re: Hornets

"Change Flag Now"- yeah, I think that's what it's going to take. This country needs to go the way of Yugoslavia and turn into 8 or 10 countries with unfortunately long, intricate borders. People need to largely re-sort their residences around those borders, so that they can even be somewhat manageable / reasonable.

And FWIW I see some people who probably do have legitimate grievances in that picture, and some people who are just mad because daddy told them to put down the fork, or maybe even the needle. You... make... the call. It's easier than spotting an ineligible receiver, I promise.

Bring back Reed V. "Pie" TurkPalmer Eustachy.


#10 2020-06-07 11:50:05 - Hornets

B&GBU (259)
Registered: 2017-08-27
Posts: 676

Re: Hornets

They want this one too.

"Did you ever consider that the next level would be a lower one?"


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